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Cannabis Now More Popular With Seniors

Kimberly Young

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Cannabis Now Rising In Popularity | Unsplash Image

A recent study published in Annals of Internal Medicine explored the use of cannabis among older Americans. The use of cannabis by seniors has been more noticeable in media, indicating a shift in its popularity. This new study gleams light on the cannabis use of older Americans from self reported data collected over time.

This insightful research conducted by the University of Massachusetts Medical School, reveals the use of cannabis among adults aged 65 and older, is now more commonly used than in previous years. The University of Massachusetts Medical School payed attention to the trend in cannabis use of over 170,000 seniors, from a collection of self reported data gathered from across the United States. The results of this study reveals the desire among adults 65 and older to have more access to cannabis.

"Studies Show Seniors Want Access To Cannabis"

There have been more push for legalization in recent years. As the list of states allowing cannabis use continues to grow; so does the demand among an older generation previously hesitant to accept cannabis. An older generation that may have used cannabis in their youth, now find more use for the plant medicinally. The increase in information about the medicinal traits of cannabis, has caught the eye of seniors seeking alternative forms of medicine for various issues. Seniors have begun using cannabis as a treatment for common ailments and disorders. With the sudden rise in cannabis use and popularity over recent years, seniors have implemented cannabis use to treat pain, sleep disorders, anxiety, and more.

These findings are not only interesting but helpful in driving action towards changes in federal regulation. Cannabis use has evolved over the years, and has shown that it has more to offer. There are still many studies needed to be done on the use and effects of cannabis especially over the long term. However, the increase in medicinal benefits from cannabis consumption has been causing many people to seek a more green alternative to ease and treat ailments and disorders.





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