Over the past few years, flavored vapes have grown massive popularity for their convenience, and discreet aroma. With recent news of unfortunate death and illness affecting vape users, the neglect of manufacturers in ensuring the quality & safety of vaping products is put into question. Consuming commercial products available on the market, should be a safe and reassuring experience for consumers, but with the uncertainty of whether you are being exposed to a tainted or tampered sample of concentrate, simply leaves the public unease with the fear of suffering negative effects from using a flavored vapes.
"President Trump considers banning flavored vape products."
Now considered the modern way of smoking, its hard to say whether people will find it easy returning to their old habits, after they've enjoyed vaping over the years. However, without stringent control of the products on the market, people will continue to have the fear of using a vape that has unsafe chemicals, or diluents that may cause harm. In addition to this, the neglect on the part of retailers, in maintaining the age restriction for purchasing of these products, could lead to an increase in underage substance addiction and abuse, as well as expose minors to harmful substances untested for use in vapes.
With all of the uncertainty surrounding the safety of vape products, the government has gained concern over the reports of illnesses and deaths caused by vape products. In light of these reports, health officials have urged against using vape products. Additionally, President Trump has considered banning flavored vape products. Should there be a ban on all flavored vape products, or should there be better regulations to control the quality and availability of vape products on the market?