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Stoner Code

Home | Stoner Code

Here you can learn about what it takes to be a Stoner. See the rules of the Stoner Code, and understand the difference between the different types of Stoners.

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Stoner Etiquette

This code of conduct is the definition of a true stoner's etiquette. These rules of the community not only keep the stoner nation functioning, but also makes sure your session is more enjoyable.

Every Stoner is different, but all stoners can agree that they are more than a simple toker. Its not always easy to tell if your in the presence of  a real stoner or not, but with the official "Stoner Code" of Stoners Club, you can weed out those ingenuine Stoners. Learn about the etiquette of a true stoner and the characteristics of the different types. See the difference between a "Chiefer" and a "Cannasseur." Find out what its like to be an "Astronaut."

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Rules of Stoner Code

1.) Bring your own share


2.) Whoever rolls, gets to spark first


3.) Leave the rolling to the pro


4.) Puff Puff Pass


5.) Pass it to the left


6.) When its your turn to get lifted, be silent and be quick


7.) Watch the saliva, "don't wet the joint"


8.) Admit when your sick, don't spread the cough


9.) Keep the rotation going


10.) Avoid blowing smoke on other people during session


11.) Return all lighters to their rightful owner


12.) Don't post on social media, unless the other stoners in the session are cool with it


13.) Don't pressure freshman stoners to do more than they can handle... "How's about two puffs?"

Flower Girl




Think we're missing some important rules. Give us your suggestions, send us a message with some of your rules. If we find your entry worthy of landing on our official list of Stoner Rules, we will update our list with your suggestion.

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